Awesome Movie Work: 20 Years Since Being 13

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Sunday, July 6, 2014

20 Years Since Being 13

I remembered in church Sunday school today that this year is 20 years since I was 13 when August 21st comes.  That is the age when I really started believing in myself and that I can achieve things in life.  That was also when people started taking me seriously and they found out that I can learn for myself and do things for myself.  That was also when I started doing better and better in school as the years went by.  That was when I first started shaving and learning to be a man.  The next year February 1995 which is also nearly 20 years ago is also when we started figuring out how to treat my brain disorder and that is how I became the man I am today.  This is a very important birthday for me coming up.  Thank you to my mom Susan and dad Tim and others who knew me early on in my life all the way to now for believing in me that I can do great things in my life, caring for me and loving me through the hard times I went through back then and now.  You all are very precious to me.

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