Awesome Movie Work

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Friday, March 11, 2022

What Makes The Batman Incredible

(4K) Dachshund's daily walk

The Grand Inquisitor in the Obi Wan Kenobi Teaser Has Fans Confused

The Surprisingly Funny Riddler Scene that Had The Batman Fans Rolling

iPhone SE 3 – Should You EVEN Care?

The Batman is a Masterpiece

Over 3,000 Posts

This blog has over 3,000 posts now.  This makes me extremely happy and proud.  Thank you to everyone who has viewed this blog and supported it all these years.  I appreciate everyone of you.  I look forward to posting more in the future.  I have been using this blog off and on since I was 28 when I first created it back on August 27, 2009, and then began posting to it March 28, 2010.  I did not use it in 2011 because I thought I had lost access to it.  It said that the username and/or password was incorrect, when I know that they were correct.  I got back to using it back on February 5, 2012, and I have been using it for 10 years since then.  This has been a great source of creativity and inspiration for me through the years.  I am grateful that I have this blog and that you all enjoy viewing it.  I am 40 now, so this is 13 years that this blog has been in my life.  I am proud of the reorganizing and restructuring I made back on September 30, 2019.  That has been a great change that I made to this blog.  Making those changes has helped this blog get viewed this much for this long.  I like to post text posts like this one to show my appreciation to all of you.  I have been through a lot and moved a lot since I made this blog.  This has been a great way for me to enjoy myself and relax when I had or am having a bad day or a bad time.  Thank you to all!

M2 leaks already?! ENTIRE M2 lineup EXPLAINED

What Exactly are Drops in The Batman?